Chaotic middle finger metal from the streets of London, UK. The Defiled have blasted off in recent years to be one of the newest hopefuls in the local scene. After tearing up the Pepsi Max stage at Download in 2012, they have just released a new song from their 2nd studio album, entitled "Sleeper".
We got the chance to catch up with resident keyboard wizard/backing vocalist The AvD (Alex Avdis)
Hey man, how are you?
I'm alright man thanks.
For those who don't know, how did this band form?
None of us are actually originally from London and I guess we all met here after the same thing in life. We didn't take it seriously at all in the beginning but as the years went by we realized that we had something really special that we decided to call "the defiled"
And how has the ride been so far?
Hard... We have never got anything for free and have had to fight for every inch ever got. It's amazing to finally see people appreciate and in some cases love what we do
As far as influences are concern, who is your main inspiration to do what you do?
We all listen to very random things, my all time favourites are nine inch nails where as Stitch's heroes are the Foo Fighter witch on both accounts is not very metal at all!
Any influences you wouldn't expect?
Refer to my last answer ;)
What kind of topics do you like to tackle when it comes to lyrics?
I like it to be quite serious at times and playful at others. I take the Lyrics very seriously and it's usually about something me or the band are going through at the time. As the years go on they become more and more personal.
Heard your new single "Sleeper", ripper track if I must say myself.
Thank you.
What was the experience like recording the second album compared to the first?
The first record was recorded in my house and produced by me and Stitch. For this one we got flown out to sunny Florida to record with the legendary Jason Suecof. Night and day really.
I discovered your first album "Grave Times" through a little magazine by the name of Metal Hammer. How did that come about?
Well, we had the album ready to go and sent it out to a few people. We then got a call from MH asking if we want to out it on their cover in it's entirety. For us it was a no brainer. We could either press 2,000 copies our self and sell them to... Well, no one. Or have it printed for free, put on the front of metal hammer and straight in to the hands of 50,000 readers. It really couldn't get much better!
Do you guys feel like you're part of a new wave of metal coming out of Britain, kind of like the New Wave of British Heavy metal back in the 80s?
People keep asking us that or stating that we are. I have no idea to be honest. We just do our thing and work really hard at it. There are quite a few hard working British bands out there right now I suppose so it might look that way. The answer is I have no idea, only history will tell.
What's the best thing about the British scene, what are us Aussies over here missing out on?
It's the only scene I know so I could not compare it to anything else to be honest... I don't think Aussies are missing out on anything. There are so many people trying to make it here to ever get heard is nothing short of a miracle
It must have been huge to play the Pepsi Max at Download in 2012 along with likes of AxeWound and While She Sleeps, what was that whole experience like for you?
It was just one of those moments... The mud and rain where horrific, loads if bands where getting cancelled, the line up times where changing. We just thought, as long as we are not on at the same time as machine head it should all be fine. We went to the office to find out when we are playing and off course we were on at the exact time machine head where on.... We where like, fuck!!! No one is going to come see us. But man.... When we walked on that stage it was fucking rammed! I couldn't believe it. Then I got to scream "how the fuck you doing Donnington?!" I've been waiting to do that for years and there we where!
Dragonforce for sure. They are just the coolest band in the world! Before going on tour with them we thought they would be stuck up or something. I don't know why? Maybe coz they can actually play their instruments? Anyway, they turned out to be the coolest, most accommodating guys we have ever been out on the road with. Pure fun and games!
With your pledge campaign to fund the Grave Times live album, you did some house gigs for fans, what was the most interesting and/or weird experience at one of those shows?
We actually played a wedding party and got the bride and groom to dance to Call to Arms. that was pretty surreal.
You guys have been on tour for Jägermeister, would you recommend endorsements for other musicians?
It depends on if you are doing it for the right reasons. We are actually Jäger addicts so it felt natural. Also, Jägermeister were actually the first people to believe in our band, they used to print our T shirts for free so we could make some money on the road. We owe more than people might know to them.
So in short yea, I would definitely recommend endorsements
Speaking of which, what is your favorite drink?
One of the big questions here, is Elvis really dead? Opinions guys!
Ok, moving on..
Any hilarious tales to tell from past shows?
I pissed in our sound mans suitcase thinking it was a toilet when we get back to the hotel.... He was not happy.... Sorry Garry
What ways do you like to connect with the crowds at your shows, do you over ask them seperate down the middle for a wall of death kind of arrangement, circle pits.. etc?
We talk to the crowd quite a bit. I usually single out a person, ask their name and ask them how they are doing. They usually just freeze. I'm like.. come on man your killing me here!
How would you describe your band in one word?
Yeah man, we just signed a world wide deal with Nuclear Blast so I'd say it's going to happen for sure, can't wait!!!
What's a thing you'd look forward to most about coming to Australia?
Just coming to Australia man, it loos awesome from afar! I've always wanted to come and to be able to come and play a gig would be amazing!
Thanks for talking, have you got a message to the Australian fans of this band?
Yeah man, I'd like to thank everyone supporting us down there. You are on our radar and we know where you live cause we send you the merch. So be fucking careful or we'll come for you!!!!
Hope to see you guys down here soon!