Thursday, 6 June 2013

Inside Reality @ Kate's Party - 17/05/13

It's cold outside, but inside the Barn Live it's heating up for a good night. Friday night, it's Kate's Party, the DJ is playing and everyone is out to have a good time. Inside Reality are side stage getting ready to go on. In light of the general good vibe, it'll be a hard audience to please. Being the first band for the night and it only being 9pm, things haven't quite gotten going yet.

The band takes to the stage, former lead vocalist and guitarist Sam De Lorenzo (now just guitar and backing vocals) introduces the band, you can tell he feels a certain amount of pressure.This is the first show with new vocalist Tom Hore and guitarist Mitch since the departure of guitarist Corey so they've got something to prove, if not to anyone else but even themselves and their friends.

As they break into "Enough is Enough" the energy can already be felt off the stage, people in their chairs turn around as Tom croons the first lines of the song. The band call everyone to the front of the stage as a few friends and interested on lookers move the forward. They keep it at full throttle and you'd think it'd be an onslaught until the end of the set, but no I was caught off guard. Next thing you know Sam is taking out his Martinez for an acoustic rendition of a track called Give Me a Look. The set then leads into a ballad type song thing which is known as Stay With Me.. a favourite by some friends of mine who are fans of the band. It starts off slow, but kicks into full overdrive by the end. They close with an old song called Drift with the Tide, one could imagine mosh pits going to that intro in future.

Overall there was awesome energy from the band, the presence could be felt in the room. Everyone seemed to be paying attention even if not many got up and danced. The sound was decent, although the vocals lay a bit low in the mix for my liking.
The reality is, that being the first and fairly unknown band on a night is hard, these guys did an excellent job of it and kudos to them. 

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